Cafetaria Services
In partnership with the Club des petits déjeuners, School provides a wholesome, healthy breakfast to students. The Breakfast Program is available every morning.
Mackay Centre School
Please refrain from sending your child to school with snacks or lunches that contain: PEANUTS, NUT PRODUCTS, SEAFOOD, RAW EGG
We realize this is inconvenient for some families. However, when an individual’s life is at risk, eliminating these items from lunches and snacks is absolutely necessary. We are asking your help in making our school a safer place for all children with severe reactions to certain allergens.
Philip E. Layton Schools
Parents provide all snacks, drinks and lunch for their child. Note that all warm foods should be placed in a thermos. Please ensure lunch containers are labelled. Allergies: Parents are asked to please avoid sending all types of nuts, peanut butter and foods containing nut products for the safety and security of those students with allergies.