All EMSB schools, adult and vocational centres, as well as the EMSB Administration building are closed today, Friday, December 23, 2022 due to poor weather conditions.

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Rehabilitation Program in Specialized Schools (RPSS)

Mackay Centre & Philip E. Layton Schools

The RPSS team of the MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Center provides the rehabilitation, nursing, and PAB services to both schools. All services are compliant with Accreditation Canada standards and abide by CIUSSS Centre-West protocols and policies.

Rehabilitation services

Children followed by the RPSS team are seen for regular sessions (weekly or monthly), on a punctual basis or on consultation. Frequency of services is based on clinical reasoning, functional goals and consider the rehabilitation resources available. The school and the RPSS teams work together to offer a therapeutic environment in which therapy goals and strategies are generalized to the classroom setting. Additional information can be found in the RPSS Welcome package sent out every September.

PAB services

The Rehabilitation Program in Specialized Schools (RPSS) includes a team of dedicated Préposés aux Bénéficiaires (PAB) or Patient Assistants. Their role is to provide all the necessary daily care functions (dressing, feeding, toileting) for those children who need assistance during the day. PABs can equally be involved with supporting your child’s mobility around the school or facilitating your child’s participation in the pool or on field trips. The PABs are an integral part of the RPSS team.

Please check the classroom communication book regularly to ensure you receive necessary information (i.e. need for diapers, wipes, change of clothes), and please use it to communicate any changes to your child’s routine (toileting, feeding, etc).

Nursing services

Due to the medical fragility of some of our students, we ask all parents to be sensitive and cooperative, and if at all possible, to not send their child to school if he or she seems generally unwell.

  • Medications administered at school are only those that cannot be given at home (for example a medication that requires a mid-day dose, or a medication that is given at the onset of a seizure).
  • In the case of a medication administered at school, the medication has to have been prepared by a pharmacist and sent to school in the original container, on which a valid prescription is present.
  • If your child has symptoms of gastroenteritis or pneumonia, please keep your child home until they have been symptom free for a minimum of 48 hours. We reserve the right to send your child home if he or she appears ill or has returned to school too soon. 
  • If your child has a temperature above 37.5 it is considered a fever. If your child arrives at school with a temperature, we will call you to pick him or her up. Your child needs to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • If your child is taking antibiotics, he or she needs to have been on the antibiotic for a minimum of 24 hours and be symptom free before returning. Please advise the nursing team when your child has started the antibiotics.
  • Please note that if the nursing team assesses your child to be too sick to remain in school for the rest of the day or too sick to be placed on the school bus at the end of the day, we will contact you to pick up your child. If your child’s condition deteriorates prior to your arrival, the nurse may be under professional obligation to call an ambulance. Please rest assured we will accompany you and your child through this process.
  • Parents are required to advise the school immediately if their child contracts any communicable disease such as but not limited to: scabies, chicken pox, whooping cough and any influenza like symptoms.
  • Finally, if your child’s medical condition changes in any way; you are to notify the nurse to enable her to update your child’s file. Such a case would be a change in medication, a hospitalization, new diagnosis, or a change in doctor’s recommendation.
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