Reverse Integration Program
Mackay Centre School
A Unique Learning Experience
Are you interested in having your child experience a different learning environment?
The EMSB and Mackay Centre School are continuing a joint venture, begun in 1973, in which a limited number of children in Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten and Grade 3 to Grade 5 are given an opportunity to attend Mackay Centre School for one year. Reverse Integration students follow the regular curriculum and learn
alongside students with physical disabilities, students who use sign language, communication devices and adapted equipment for recreation and mobility. The program boasts small class sizes, weekly swimming classes, a Snoezelen room, a computer lab and a myriad of opportunities to learn in a unique school environment.
Full day Pre-Kindergarten, an average of 10 students per class, computer lab, Smartboards in every classroom, swimming program, bussing, on site nurses, librarian, breakfast program, and lunch supervision (with fees).
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the school at 514-483-0550.
Who Can Attend?
- Children who have English eligibility.
- Children ages 4 to 11, living within the English Montreal School Board boundaries.
Applying for the Reverse Integration Program
- The application for the upcoming year will be posted here at the end of January.
- Complete and submit the form along with supporting documentation by the due date.
- An information session is held in March for parents and candidates along with one or two trial days depending on your child’s age.