All EMSB schools, adult and vocational centres, as well as the EMSB Administration building are closed today, Friday, December 23, 2022 due to poor weather conditions.

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Following documents are intended for all students and parents of Mackay Centre School and Philip E. Layton School. It includes all relevant procedures and information pertaining to daily activity. It takes into account all the different abilities and challenges of the student population and is submitted with the most respectful intent. It goes without saying that respectful interaction between parents and school personnel will further advance and ensure the children’s well-being. We are all working as partners for the health, safety and well-being of your child.

Mackay Centre School

This document has been approved by the administration of Mackay Centre School and the Lethbridge- Layton- Mackay Centre (RPSS program) as well by the members of the Governing Board. 

Philip E. Layton Schools

This document has been approved by the administration of Philip E. Layton School and the Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay-Rehabilitation Centre (RPSS program) as well by the members of the Governing Board. 

General Rules

All pupils are expected to follow the rules of conduct and safety measures found in the School Board Policy and Procedures Manual pertaining to transportation. Please note that should issues arise with transportation, the school, bus company, school board and parents will work together to address said issues until a suitable resolution is found. Parents should be advised that if a situation puts their child or any other student at risk (safety is compromised) the bus companies may suspend bus services. If this were the case, the responsibility of transporting the student to school would become the parents.

Communication via cell phone (voice or text) between parents and staff members is not permitted. Please use the communication book, school telephone or email.

All pupils have a right to an environment that is conducive to learning. Students have the responsibility to keep their belongings and personal space clean. They are expected to be respectful of their teachers, peers and all other staff members they work with.

Rules in the Classroom (only if applicable to your child)

  • All pupils are expected to follow the rules set forth by each of their teachers at the beginning of the school year and be attentive in class.
  • Pupils are expected to behave in a manner that creates an atmosphere that is conducive to learning.

Rules of Conduct and Safety during Recess and Physical Education (only if applicable to your child)

Pupils are to play in a spirit of friendship, hence cooperating, sharing and problem solving together, in order to avoid creating situations that pose a danger to themselves and their fellow students. The following are strictly prohibited:

  • Pushing, shoving and tripping
  • Fighting, both physically and verbally
  • Disrespectful tone and language towards peers and staff
  • Vandalism of school property.

Rules for the Entry and Exit of Pupils (Dismissal Procedures)

  • As of 8:00 a.m., buses begin to unload, and students proceed into the school. Parents bringing children to school must remain with their child until 8:00 a.m.
  • At the end of lunch time (12:40 p.m.) pupils return to their classrooms.
  • At 2:40 p.m., pupils are brought to the dismissal area by one of their teachers in an orderly manner.
  • At 2:45 p.m. parents picking up their children should meet them at the cafeteria door. Students will be dismissed once the bell rings.

Rules for School Outings (only if applicable to your child)

  • Pupils must remain with their supervisors at all times.
  • Pupils must follow the instructions given to them by their supervisors.
  • Pupils must have written consent from their parents to participate in school outings.

Parents requiring after-school daycare services should contact their local school. Once your child has been registered for daycare, please inform Mackay Centre School administration. We can help to facilitate transportation from Mackay Centre School to your local school.

Pupils are expected to follow the school rules. If misbehaviour persists after many attempts from the classroom teacher to try to contain or deter the behavior, a consultation will be scheduled for a case discussion where the education and rehabilitation personnel including, the social worker, the psychologist, nurse, educators and or PAB’s will meet to address the behaviours of concern. Parents will be advised of any behaviour plans that will be implemented or if the school team deems it necessary to make a referral to an outside organization.

It is important that the school and home be consistent in reinforcing the same messages of proper behaviour. We ask parents to become our partners in enforcing the following school rules:

  • I behave in a respectful manner and I use my words and not my hands.
  • I play safely without fighting.
  • I listen and follow directions given by staff members.
  • I take good care of my belongings and those of others.
  • I walk quietly and in an orderly manner.

Pupils are expected to follow the school rules. If misbehaviour persists after many attempts from the classroom teacher to try to contain or deter the behaviour, a consultation will be scheduled for a case discussion where the education and rehabilitation personnel including, the social worker, the psychologist, nurse, educators and or PAB’s will work with you to develop a plan involving your participation and consent for any and all measures put in place.

With the introduction of Bill 56 in June 2012, schools across Quebec have been working to adopt a long-term strategy to prevent and better respond to occurrences of bullying and school violence. An essential part of this strategy is the development of an individual school action plan that outlines policies and practices and favors evidence-based interventions designed to promote a positive school climate with the collaboration of various stakeholders. Because all members of the school community contribute to making our schools safer, it is important that families be well informed. We invite you to learn more about our safe school action plan by viewing it on our school website.

All pupils must come to school clean and neatly dressed. Students are reminded to wear running shoes and comfortable clothing on the days when they have physical education and /or swimming. As well, please label all your children’s school clothing (outer wear and sweatshirts in particular).

All pupils must come to school clean and neatly dressed. Students are reminded to wear running shoes and comfortable clothing on the days when they have physical education.

Please bring in 2 towels and 2 bathing suits. One set will be left in school while the other will be returned for washing. Kindly provide enough bibs for the week. Soiled bibs will be returned home for washing. Please provide a change of clothes for your child.

Parents provide all snacks, drinks and lunch for their child. Note that all warm foods should be placed in a thermos. Please ensure lunch containers are labelled. 

Please refrain from sending your child to school with snacks or lunches that contain: PEANUTS, NUT PRODUCTS, SEAFOOD, RAW EGG We realize this is inconvenient for some families. However, when an individual’s life is at risk, eliminating these items from lunches and snacks is absolutely necessary. We are asking your help in making our school a safer place for all children with severe reactions to certain allergens.

Students and staff have the right to feel safe at school. The safety of children is everyone’s responsibility. Supervision of students begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends when the last bus has left the school (approximately 3:05 p.m.). While in school, pupils are always under the supervision of a staff member (education and/or rehabilitation staff). Classes are in session from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Please understand, teachers are engaged attending to the needs of their students. Parents are asked to refrain from contacting the teacher directly during this time. The best tool for communication is the communication book at your disposal.

Volunteers and visitors must report to the administrative office on the second floor. Common changing areas and student bathrooms are to be used by authorized personnel only. Wandering in the school hallways is not permitted.

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